What does it take to live a life that feels fully alive and nourishing for my soul?

mountain pass during sunrise

This space has evolved since its conception in 2022.

When I first established this Substack it was a safe space for me to explore, ask questions, and test out my ideas and changing ideologies as I reconstructed from the Christian faith I had been raised into and grown up in.

As someone who has never quite fitted into whether it be within Christian communities or wider groups and collectives of people within mainstream society and culture a part of me has always been pulled towards the concept authentic self-expression and my soul’s truth.

This has meant this space has evolved as I have evolved. The more I have given myself permission to follow the calling of my sacred voice, the more rapidly this evolution has occurred.

I have gone from exploring questions about the Nature of God, faith and religion and how that has influenced and shaped me to writing about my desire to simply follow the urgings and guidance of my soul and allowing what would unfold to unfold.

As I am a lifelong psychology buff (having studied, taught and lectured psychology for well over two decades of my life), deep-thinker, feeler and spiritual seeker I have written posts about simply living life - being human.

I write a lot about deconditioning from societal and cultural conditioning in order to re-discover ourselves beyond the noise but I also write about my inner and outer healing journey. How being a mum has helped me to heal and grow and pushes me forward in so many ways.

I write about my wounds and challenges, the areas that I struggle, where I feel incomplete and less than and how this is often shaped and fuelled by early childhood experiences of adversity and trauma.

I write about my experience as a black woman and I find myself writing more and more about issues around social justice and discrimination.

But what I am finding now, is an urge, a desire to share a more embodied exploration of how we can live in connection, flow and unity with the Universe.

To this end I have renamed this publication.

Towards Embodied Living (My Dharmic Journey)

The basic premise of this publication is for me to learn how to live in alignment and connection with the heartbeat of Life and in doing so to discover my part and path in the Universe.

Hi, my name is Florence.

Intuitive and empathic deep thinker, psychologist, therapist, coach, mum, wife and spiritual seeker writing and sharing lessons from my own life. I am also the host of Becoming YOU Beyond Deconstruction, a podcast focused on helping and supporting awakening deconstructing Christians to navigate the BIG LIFE questions and do the inner liberation and empowerment work back to our sacred selves.

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If you would like to journey alongside me, you are very welcome. Life is busy so I post written pieces and podcast episodes as and when. You have a couple of options:

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Subscribe to To Live Life from Soul (A Reflective Journey)

Deconstructing and Deconditioning ex-"Christian" remembering, relearning and rediscovering what it means to Live Life from Soul. Journey with me into Authenticity and Embodiment.


Hi I'm Florence. Mama, Therapist & Guide working with myself and others to reconnect with our innermost truth and desire to BE who we are in the world.